N.E.W. Libertarian

Promoting clean, honest, open, and limited government in North East Wisconsin

Thursday, January 19, 2006

How about an Accountability Agenda for Governor Jim Doyle?

Budget Deficit: How can Doyle say that “our budget is balanced” when the official recap of the state’s finances for 2004/2005 shows that Wisconsin ended the past fiscal year with a $2.12 billion general fund deficit according to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

Taxes: How can Doyle claim that he “solved the worst fiscal crisis in history…without raising taxes” when the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau reports that taxes and fees went up $368 million in his last budget?

Property Taxes: How can Doyle claim credit for a tax freeze when his vetoes left major holes in the freeze and when he claimed last summer that the average tax bill would go down $5 and yet it went up this year?

School Choice: How can he claim that “I’ve asked the Legislature to increase the cap in the Milwaukee school choice program…protecting families already enrolled…while providing basic accountability” when he vetoed the legislation (three times) to lift the caps and vetoed legislation to increase accountability?

Health Care: Why did it take Doyle three years to recognize that health care is a huge issue and why did he not explain why is the only Governor in the country to veto the removal of the state tax on Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)?

Higher Education: Why did Doyle talk about affordable higher education and not explain why tuition in the UW system went up more than 50% during his term?

Ethics: Why did Doyle claim that he demands “the highest standards of integrity” and not mention anything about the second ranking official in his Department of Transportation hosting a fundraiser for his campaign with executives who do business with state government? Why did he fail to commit to prohibitions on those seeking to do business with the state giving to his campaign while contracts are bid?

It appears as though the Governor is hoping that voters will not hold him accountable for the questions left unanswered in his speech or for explaining how he plans to play for all of the new government spending announced in his speech. Therefore, we need an Accountability Agenda to hold Governor Jim Doyle accountable for his actions (or inaction).

Scott Walker, Candidate for Governor


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