N.E.W. Libertarian

Promoting clean, honest, open, and limited government in North East Wisconsin

Friday, November 11, 2005

Faulk Right to Run

Dane County Executive Kathy Faulk joined the race for Wisconsin Attorney General and you should support her decision. The fact that Democrats are criticizing her proves she belongs in the race. The fact that Republicans are criticizing her proves she has a real chance of winning.
Democrats are criticizing her decision to run against Democrat incumbent Peg Lautenschlager. They claim that since campaign laws are made to protect incumbents that a challenger has little chance of winning. This means all the challenger does is weaken the incumbent by increasing the amount of mud thrown at them and the amount of money they have to spend to buy votes.
Republicans also are quick to destroy anyone who would challenge a partisan incumbent. Democrats claim to represent the blue class worker but they never let anyone point out that it is their own policies which force factories to move outside our borders. Republicans claim to be for lower taxes and less government but Mark Green will endorse a tax and spend liberal like John Guard or a hopelessly incompetent Scott McCollum as long as they are Republicans who can help him in obsessive goal of greater and greater power.
Republicans are criticizing Kathy Faulk as being too liberal and outside the mainstream. Problem is she isn't running to be make law but to enforce it. Why is Republican Paul Bucher concerned more concerned about political leanings than qualifications and abilities? Could it be that Paul is the one who's political views should be examined? This whole mess makes the case for making Attorney General a nonpartisan position with an open primary.
We should stand by those who are willing to say that just because someone is of my party doesn't mean that they are entitled to return to the job they are currently not doing. I wish Faulk could be made out to be a martyr, but she does have a County Exec job to fall back on if she were to lose. One also has to wonder how much of her campaign is her own desire to be on a larger stage than just that of Dane County?
Faulk's candidacy should be accepted as a win for Democrats who want to restore honor to the office and sweep the remains of state scandals out of their party. Anyone who chooses to run for public office should be embraced as a win for the electoral process. People should be encouraged to become involved in our political process. Democrats and Republicans should be shunned as long as they engage in discouraging people from running for office.


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